Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Editing TCP/IP in OS/2 without rebooting

Thanks goes to Patrick at SN. I don't know where he got this info, so it is probably being used without someones permission. It appears to be from Active Voice or an experienced tech, either unsupported or not available to the public, since as of this post, I haven't seen it in their official documentation.

If you're the author and you really have an issue with me publishing old OS/2 information, let me know via email.

Otherwise, for those of you also stuck with upgrading mission critical OS/2 based systems...

Before reconfiguring TCP/IP the protocol stack must be checked to make sure it is binding to the NIC card.

To do this:
1. Open up an OS/2 window.
2. Type netstat -n.
The physical address of the NIC card should appear followed by 12 numbers. If the physical address is followed by zeros, the protocol stack has not bound to the NIC card. If the NIC card has not been bound run setup of OS/2 and select the correct NIC card.

After confirming that you have the correct NIC card and the NIC protocol is binding to it, perform the following to create a shortcut for re-configuring TCP/IP without shutting down the voice mail system.

1. Make backups of you Mptconfg.ini and Setup.cmd files before making any modifications.
2. Tedit C:\mptn\bin\mptconfg.ini
3. Insert the correct IP address, subnet mask, and broadcast address. The fields that need to be changed are:

Address = ###.###.###.###
Brdcast = ###.###.###.###
Netmask = ###.###.###.###
4. Tedit C:\mptn\bin\setup.cmd
5. Insert the correct IP address, subnet mask and broadcast address. The fields that need to be changed are:
Ifconfig lan0 ###.###.###.### (this is the IP address)
Netmask ###.###.###.###
Metric0 mtu 1500 broadcast ###.###.###.###
6. Run Netbind from C:\ibmcom\protocol.
7. Run setup from protocol directory.
8. Run netstat –a to make sure that the TCP/IP changes have taken effect.

After the correct changes have been made you should be able to ping other client stations.

To add the default router address without having to reboot

Here's the information we have on adding the route statement to the setup.cmd file in the C:\mptn\bin directory. Once you add this line to the setup.cmd file, you need to save the file in the TEDIT program by hitting F2 then F3, then you can run setup.cmd in the same directory again and it should add the route statement. They do NOT have to reboot nor will it go away after a reboot. They can run setup.cmd while the voice mail is running.

Description: When the LAN that the Repartee is communicating with has multiple segments, routers will probably be used between the segments. In order for the Repartee to communicate out of the segment that it exists in a router statement must be added to the setup.cmd file.

Solution: Edit the setup.cmd located in c:\mptn\bin. This includes ip address, subnet mask, broadcast address, and routers. All of the above parameters except for routers will be initially defined during install. Simply edit setup.cmd and execute it from the command line by typing setup. Next add the following line.

route add default xxx.xxx.xxx.x 1


add you are adding a route

default the default destination network (the network the server is on.)

xxx.xxx.xxx.x the ip address of the router (if the adddress of the server is, a router address of will broadcast to the server's network and find the router).

1 The number of hops to destination. (from x.101 to x.1 is one hop. the value will be 1 in most cases.)

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