Saturday, January 28, 2012

UC500: How to eliminate the access code for outbound calls in PBX mode, part 2

The basics of how to eliminate the access code for outbound calls in PBX modeis describe well at

Assuming you start with a basic configuration via Cisco Configuration Assistant, you will still need to modify how the 6XXX pattern, used for transferring calls directly to voicemail is handled, as well as fixing the MWI codes in CUE.

Per the supportforums, I've found using rule 2 below to remove the trailing star from the standard three digit extension works fine applied to dial-peer 2000 associated with the CUE pilot number.  The problem is now when using the 6XXX* pattern to send calls to voicemail, the redirecting number simply becomes 6XXX and CUE replies with a "Sorry. There is no mailbox..." prompt.

To remove the 6 and star if there, and then just the star if the leading 6 isn't there,  you can change the translation-rule like below (insert rule 1):

voice translation-rule 2222

 rule 1 /^6\(...\)[*]/ /\1/
 rule 2 /\(.*\)[*]/ /\1/

To fix the CUE's ability to light and extinguish MWI:

service-module integrated-Service-Engine 0/0 session

se-10-1-10-1(config)#ccn application ciscomwiapplication aa
se-10-1-10-1(config-application)# parameter "strMWI_OFF_DN" "A8001"
se-10-1-10-1(config-application)# parameter "strMWI_ON_DN" "A8000"

Friday, January 20, 2012

Unity Connection 8.6 find Alternate Extensions

Before you break out CUDLE from and get your SQL on, be aware there is an easier way.

To find an Alternate Extension in the Unity Connection database, simply navigate to the Unity Connection administrative GUI as normal.
Pick Users.
Limit your search to a particular partition.
Check the radio button to Display Primary and Alternate Extensions in Selected Partition.
Search by the Alternate Extension you are looking for.

Below is a sample search for 2465 that returns a user with a primary extension of 2466.


This is the user returned when searching for 2465.  Note, 2465 is the alternate extension, not the primary extension:

Updated 2/3/2014: This is the page that would be referenced when searching normally for 2466, the primary extension for the user:

Updated 2/3/2014: This is the alternate extension page that is normally not displayed via the default search, but which matches when using the particular partition and Display Primary and Alternate Extensions in Selected Partition :

Sunday, January 15, 2012

MS Excel: Find a value in one list in another list and do two different things if found

I use the following formula or variations on it pretty regularly, but always have to double check the logic to make sure I'm not creating a mess.  Here's my notes to myself on what it does.

=IF(ISERROR((VLOOKUP([what to look for],[where to look for it],1,FALSE))),[do something if TRUE],[do something else if FALSE])

A specific example of when I used it last is:
Basically, I have a long list of all the parts that need to be shipped out.  These are all in column F.  I also have a shorter list of parts that have already been shipped.  These are in column B.  Now I need to find what parts still need to be shipped.  I imagine I need to take all the parts in F and try to find them in the shipped parts B.  If they are in that list, then they're shipped and I'm just going to fill the cell with "Shipped".  If they aren't in the list, they haven't been shipped, so I'll fill in the cell with the part.

The whole thing works from the inside out, so the first thing the function does is:

This takes the value found in F3, and looks for it in column B (or specifically B3 through B1214).
If it finds the F3 value in B, it returns F3,
If it doesn't find F3, it returns #N/A.


This checks to see if something is an error equal to #N/A, #VALUE, #DIV/0, etc.
If it's an error, then ISERROR returns TRUE.
If it's not an error, then ISERROR returns FALSE.


IF([the TEST],[something if the test is TRUE], [something if the test is FALSE])
If tests a condition (i.e. ) is TRUE or FALSE.
If the test is TRUE, then the thing after the test in the function happens.
If the test is FALSE, then the last thing in the function happens.


First, when we do a (VLOOKUP($F3,$B$3:$B$1214,1,FALSE), maybe we get the value of F3, or maybe we get an error like #N/A.

Let's just assume F3 isn't found.

If so, (VLOOKUP($F3,$B$3:$B$1214,1,FALSE) would return a #N/A.

Next, consequently, the (ISERROR((VLOOKUP($F3,$B$3:$B$1214,1,FALSE))) portion of the function ends up logically looking like (ISERROR(#N/A).

Since ISERROR checks for a value of #N/A, the ISERROR portion of the function returns TRUE.

Ultimately, this first means the IF(ISERROR((VLOOKUP($F3,$B$3:$B$1214,1,FALSE))),F3,"Shipped") logically looks like IF(ISERROR(#N/A),F3,"Shipped") after the VLOOKUP fails to find F3. Then the IF(ISERROR(#N/A),F3,"Shipped") ends up looking like IF(TRUE,F3,"Shipped") after the ISERROR decides #N/A is an error it recognizes.

Finally, since the IF function does the first thing after its test when the result is TRUE, we simply end up with the value of F3.


Conversely, if our VLOOKUP was actually succesful in finding F3 in B, the ISERROR function would be passed the value of F3, rather than an error. In this case, ISERROR would be false, and would pass FALSE to the IF function. Then, the if function would return the value "Shipped", rather than the value of F3.

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Cisco CUCM install logs via CLI

To get the install logs from Cisco CUCM without RTMT:
  1. Setup a SFTP server somewhere
  2. Console or SSH to CUCM
  3. Run "file get install /*"
  4. When prompted, enter SFTP server address, username, and password
  5. Use "." as the directory path (or get fancier if you want)
Read your logs.  Just when you think you saw it during a console session, there is something better in the log.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Cisco Switch Smartport configuration via CLI

After barking up the wrong troubleshooting tree for some time, I ran into a situation where a customer needed a UC540 switchport configured for trunking to a Linksys switch hiding in a ceiling.  Due to VPN network configurations out of my control, I was unable to use Cisco CCA to modify it.  Knowing using the CLI is somewhat of a no-no on UC540s, I wanted to apply the Smartport configurations as if they had been done so via CCA, verses just reconfiguring as if it was any other manageable switch.

You can display the macros used (I think) by CCA as follows:

! To show a short list of available macros, run:
UC540#show parser macro brief
! This returns:
default interface: cisco-desktop
default interface: cisco-phone
default interface: cisco-switch
default interface: cisco-router
default interface: cisco-wireless

! To show the macro details and variables that need to be set, run:
UC540#show parser macro
! This returns
Total number of macros = 5
Macro name : cisco-desktop
Macro type : default interface
# macro keywords $access_vlan
# Basic interface - Enable data VLAN only
# Recommended value for access vlan should not be 1
switchport access vlan $access_vlan
switchport mode access
# Configure port as an edge network port
spanning-tree portfast
Macro name : cisco-phone
Macro type : default interface
# Cisco IP phone + desktop template
# macro keywords $access_vlan $voice_vlan
# VoIP enabled interface - Enable data VLAN
# and voice VLAN
# Recommended value for access vlan should not be 1
switchport access vlan $access_vlan
switchport mode access
# Update the Voice VLAN value which should be
# different from data VLAN
# Recommended value for voice vlan should not be 1
switchport voice vlan $voice_vlan
# Configure port as an edge network port
spanning-tree portfast
Macro name : cisco-switch
Macro type : default interface
# macro keywords $native_vlan
# Access Uplink to Distribution
# Do not apply to EtherChannel/Port Group
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
# Define unique Native VLAN on trunk ports
# Recommended value for native vlan should not be 1
switchport trunk native vlan $native_vlan
# Update the allowed VLAN range such that it
# includes data, voice and native VLANs
switchport trunk allowed vlan ALL
# Hardcode trunk
switchport mode trunk
Macro name : cisco-router
Macro type : default interface
# macro keywords $native_vlan
# Access Uplink to Distribution
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
# Define unique Native VLAN on trunk ports
# Recommended value for native vlan should not be 1
switchport trunk native vlan $native_vlan
# Update the allowed VLAN range such that it
# includes data, voice and native VLANs
switchport trunk allowed vlan ALL
# Hardcode trunk
switchport mode trunk
# Ensure fast access to the network when enabling the interface.
# Ensure that switch devices cannot become active on the interface.
spanning-tree portfast
Macro name : cisco-wireless
Macro type : default interface
# macro keywords $native_vlan
# Access Uplink to Distribution
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
# Define unique Native VLAN on trunk ports
# Recommended native vlan should NOT be 1
switchport trunk native vlan $native_vlan
# Update the allowed VLAN range such that it
# includes data, voice and native VLANs
switchport trunk allowed vlan ALL
# Hardcode trunk to speed up convergence
switchport mode trunk
# Ensure that switch devices cannot become active on the interface.
spanning-tree portfast

! To apply a macro, make note of the macro name and keyword
! For example, the cisco-switch macro has a $native_vlan keyword
! Then, after removing commands already specific to the port, run (assuming configuring for a switch with native VLAN 1):
UC540(config)#int f0/1/2
UC540(config-if)#macro apply cisco-switch $native_vlan 1
UC540(config-if)#macro description cisco-switch

The macros don't do anything I wouldn't normally do, but at least keeps your CCA and CLI configurations consistent.

Pretty cool.